Joy Division
Representation of Information 2018-2019
The purpose of this exercise was to explore and examine the various representational means and organizational structures available to present sets of data. For this project, I decided to create an album packaging for one of my favorite bands, an album packaging that includes the information, data behind the music. I created the packaging for the EP “Love will tear us apart” by Joy Division. I’ve always been interested in album design and I thought that it would be interesting to see representation of data in this format. After that, I created a code for every instrument and analyzed the connection between the instruments and duration of the song. When is each instrument played during the song? What parts of the song are only instrumental and which parts of the song also have vocals? I created a diagram that sums up all this information. I also created another diagram for the lyrics of the song. This relates to the number of verses, the number of words and the intensity of the vocals. time-based information: when did it happen, how is it changing. numerical information: how many, how much, size, scale, etc. This project offered me the opportunity to experiment with different ideas and learn a lot about data visualization as well as album designs. The final outcome shows my explorations and my study of representing music. This project also helped me learn more about different formats of design.